Protected: Heart Peace Counseling Email Templates
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KeePass is our password manager of choice. Below are instructions to link it with Chrome so usernames and passwords will be automatically entered on sites you frequent. Instructions to Install KeePass HTTP for Chrome Download keepasshttp Save to the KeePass directory within the Program Files directory on your computer (example: C:\Program Files (x86)\KeePass Password Safe 2 ) Restart[…]
Chrome Profiles allow you to be multiple people at the same time while online. This is super handy. For example, in my Chrome profile I am logged into my personal email and Facebook. I have bookmarks to Trello, Google Calendar, Mint, WordPress, etc. In my husband’s profile, he’s logged in to his sites, and has his bookmarks. When we use[…]
Wife and I are incredibly impatient when it comes to navigating to files on the computer. We just can’t be bothered to navigate through several folders with who knows how many clicks. Lazy or efficient? You be the judge. It bugged us so much I wrote a Windows app to make keyboard navigation more instant.[…]
Sometimes I need a quick ruler. So I made one that uses my iPhone screen. For best results, save the image to your phone. (You can view in the browser, but the top and bottom will be cut off.) iPhone 4s iPhone 5 & 5s iPhone 6 iPhone 6 Plus Nexus 6
UPDATE: Chrome has rolled out a change again to Profile Management, but this time, a simple flag won’t turn it off. :( Here’s what I found to work: (thanks here and here) For Chrome 44 and higher: Edit your Chrome shortcut and add the parameter –disable-new-avatar-menu (to do so, right click on the shortcut > “Properties”[…]